Google Pay illustration

Google Pay

Your Visa card + Google Pay

Confidence. Simplicity. And the things you love about your First National Bank VISA® debit card.

Getting Started is as Easy as:

  1. Download the Google Pay app
  2. Add your First National Bank VISA® debit card – it’s as simple as snapping a photo
  3. Pay confidently at over a million locations in the U.S.

Use It Today

There’s a lot to love about Google Pay. Like how it lets you use your favorite Visa card at over a million locations in the U.S. See a full list of Google Pay places to pay at

Get extra layers of security

Android Pay never uses your actual card number, instead it uses a virtual account number so your card details and private info stay safe.

Enjoy the confidence of paying with your phone using Visa and Google Pay! Set Up Now