Existing Merchants FAQs

We are always happy to answer your questions by phone or in person. For your convenience, here is a list of the most frequently asked questions we hear from our existing merchant customers.

Who should I call if I have a question or my equipment is not working?

Depending on what product you have, here is a list of after-hour numbers:

lngenico Terminal: 855-813-5293

  • VX520 Terminal: 855-813-5293
  • Pax S80: 855813-5293 or 904-900-3741
  • One-Touch POS: 844-631-4995
  • MX products: 855-813-5293
  • PAYA (Check Services): 800-261-0240, Press 1
  • Control Scan: 800-370-9180

For basic terminal troubleshooting:

  • Always reboot
  • Make sure all your cables (phone line, ethernet cable, power cord) are connected into your terminal and into the power source
  • If the terminal is not printing, make sure the paper is filled and inserted the correct way.

How do I order paper for my terminal?

  • If you have a standalone terminal, please call 215 579-3400 (2 U x 70′ thermal)
  • One-Touch POS: 844-631-4995 (3 1/8″ x 220′ thermal)

How do I view my processing statements?

Log on to your mxmerchant.com account, On the left-hand menu, click account > merchant services > statements tab.

What is this $24.95 PCI fee on my statement?

This means that your PCI questionnaire is expired. PCI Compliance relates to how securely credit card information is being handled and processed and is required by the Card Associations (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). Look for emails from ControlScan to complete the questionnaire. Or simply logon to your MX account, go to apps, then click on the ControlScan tile. From there it will take you to the ControlScan website to sign in.

**When the questionnaire is completed there will be no fees**

What if I don’t know my password for Control Scan?

You can click “Forgot Password” under the username/password fields or call ControlScan at 800-370- 9180.

For more information on our credit card processing services call 215.579.3400 or email MerchantServices@fnbn.com