Sign Up
We make it easy to sign up for Online Banking.
- Sign Up Form for Personal Online Banking
- Sign Up Form for Business Online Banking
- Sign Up Form for Corporate Cash Management
If you currently use Online Banking and have an existing login ID, click below to download the form to do the following:
To sign up for or change your Online Banking, download one of the above forms in PDF format (see below for more details), print and complete the downloaded form, and send it back to The First. You can return it by mail to the following address:
The First National Bank and Trust Company of Newtown
Attn: Online Banking
40 South State Street
Newtown, PA 18940
A few days after sending us the application, you will receive a letter containing a temporary password. Use this password in conjunction with your chosen login ID to sign on to The First’s Online Banking. The first time you log in, you will be forced to change your password. If you are only making a change to an existing Online Banking account, the change will go into effect as soon as we process your form.
Downloading the Application Form
The Online Banking application form is available for download in PDF (portable document format) format. This format requires Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view and print these documents. PDF is the standard format for electronic publishing on the Internet. It allows documents to be viewed, printed or downloaded using any platform or operating system including Windows, MAC, Unix, etc. However, Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to view and/or print PDF documents. This software is available freely on the Internet.
If you do not currently have a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.0 or higher), we strongly recommend that you acquire it. You will then be able to easily view and print the application for Online Banking as well as documents on many other Internet sites. To do so, click here to visit Adobe’s site, where you will be able to download the most recent versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader for your computer. Installation instructions and other helpful information are also available on Adobe’s download site.